Sunday, July 12, 2009

Graduation Night

11th July 2009 - Saturday

I'm Officially and FINALLY graduated from The One Academy! Wooo hooo!

The happy part is, yea, i graduated after so many torture months with assignments and classmates~ The sad part is, i'm all alone going thru all these~ Yes i have some friends here but those are the hi-bye friends~

I didnt even bother to bring my camera cos i know i wont be cam-whoring with anyone~ Surprisingly i met Kian ming, cheant cheat, ZQ and Carmen~ I even chat with 2 of my marker lecturer~ Both of them got the patience to teach me marker even tho my Simplify was bad~

I woke up early (10am) and do my hair~ I walked all the way to SS15 cos i was so pissed at dad for scolding Nobita last nite~ So what if he doesnt wanna drive me there~ I got arms and legs i WALK~ Last night i even told dad "I'll give you the parang next day and chop him to pieces like you want to and dont thank me for ending up in jail~ Ur very welcome btw"~

I totally hate the new hairstyle cos it was totally different from wad i expected and had in mind~ It's so FLUFFY and my hair is so spoilt! It looked like a blardie retarted mane! dammit! This will be the last time i'm having it permed~ Next hairstyle definitely gonna keep it short and jaga my hair~ @#$@#$@#$

Anyways, I just learnt something today~ Have you ever wonder why every graduate robes have hood? If u notice, every graduate robes, there's is hood except the lecturers (maybe some got lar)~ It was said that, during the olden times, scholars have no money to study~ So these hoods are for people to collect money~ People put money into the hood for scholars and they use it for studies and TARDARH! Now we all have hoods~ And lecturers dont have cos eventually the money on the hood are given to them =/

I'll upload the pics as soon as i get it from people's camera~ Talking bout pics, its RM199 for the picture package~ That includes me alone holding the cert, with mom, and group picture~

Mom was even making a fuss bout how expensive the picture was~ Was nagging bout it for 20minutes and one sentence i said can keep her shut : No need you pay ok? i pay for it~ End of discussion~ ANd true enugh, she kept quiet~ =_=lll As if my pay is not low enough and she expects me to pay for every single thing~ So easy for her to say "pay lar... RMxx only mah" Yalla, when i asked her to pay she nags 1 whole day~

It was a dissapointing moment for me~ Everyone was here with parents and siblings, granma and granpas~ I was here... With only mom~ Where's dad? He's dead in my heart~ Haha, i think he doesnt even know i graduated~

He wasnt here for my birthdays, so does it matter even if he skipped my graduation? Guess not~ Does it even matter if he's gonna skip my wedding in future? I wont even ask him to come~ Why bother?

Everyone was looking at me and mom with the "Aww.. She's only got mom... Her dad is dead"~ Yup he is =)

When it was my turn to take scroll, mom wasnt even at table~ Which when i asked she said she went toilet~ SHould've skipped this dam graduation~ It was a total disaster and i totally screwed up my college life and now my graduation night is screwed up too... Wad a life... ~_~

0 huh?!?: