Lifehouse - Everything
Find Me Here
Speak To Me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That's leading me
To the place where I find peace again.
You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.
You are the light to my soul.
You are my're everything.
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
You calm the storms, and you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.
You steal my heart, and you take my breath away.
Would you take me in? Take me deeper now?
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
Cause you're all I want, You're all I need
You're everything,everything
You're all I want your all I need
You're everything, everything.
You're all I want you're all I need.
You're everything, everything
You're all I want you're all I need, you're everything, everything.
And How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
This song totally rox~ Thnx to Nobita for introducing this song~ Couldn't have love it without him blasting it in his car when he fetch me back lolx~
Friday, July 24, 2009
Lifehouse - Everything
Monday, July 20, 2009
It feels daaaaaaam good
. . . to be a girl and kick a guy's ass in the game of Soul Callibur~ Woo hoo!!!
And the best part was, it was 2 guys vs me~ The 1st guy lost, so the 2nd guy took over and play with me~ They both lost... To me =P Heh heh heh~
I'm a noob, but they are noober WAHAHAHAHAHA!
Thanks to Adam for being my Soul Callibur sensei~
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Ice Age 3 - Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
18th July 2009 - Saturday
I went to movies at Pyramid with Nobita and K~ Watched Ice Age 3~ It was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally funny and i was laughing till my stomach dam pain~ Even laugh till i got tears came outta my eyes~ I would say this time, its really good and would recommend people to watch it to have a good laugh~ It's been such a long time i had fun a good laugh in the movies~After the events of "Ice Age: The Meltdown", life begins to change for Manny and his friends: Scrat is still on the hunt to hold onto his beloved acorn, while finding a possible romance in a female sabre-toothed squirrel named Scratte. Manny and Ellie, having since become an item, are expecting a baby, which leaves Manny anxious to ensure that everything is perfect for when his baby arrives. Diego is fed up with being treated like a house-cat and ponders the notion that he is becoming too laid-back. Sid begins to wish for a family of his own, and so steals some dinosaur eggs which leads to Sid ending up in a strange underground world where his herd must rescue him, while dodging dinosaurs and facing danger left and right, and meeting up with a one-eyed weasel known as Buck who hunts dinosaurs intently.
Synopsis taken from this website~
After the movies we went yam cha and met up with Nobita's mates at a makan area in SS15~ We're still finding people to share the room with us on the Pangkor trip or both of us have to share a room with another extra 50 bucks~ His friend can go but canot confirm with us due to his extra working days~ He looked really familiar but oh well~
We were talking bout how silly our childhood were~ My childhood scar was feeding a dog firecracker LOL~ The scar is still here on my right hand~ Nobita's childhood scar was cutting apples without using a chopping mat and the apple slipped and cut his hand~ Alvin's one was really the silly and funny part~ He was 9 and catch tadpoles and even made PLANS for it to grow when we were planning how to save up our money for college (according to Nobita)~ One of his friends play duno wad type of firecrackers and he ran, and somehow the gate with sharp edges just go cucuk his head~ Yeah i know... Ouch~
Saturday, July 18, 2009
F5 session
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Stay close dont go
Stay close don't go - Secondhand Serenade
I'm staring at the glass
In front of me
Is it half empty
If I ruined all
Have I ruined all you've given me
I know I've been selfish
I know I've been foolish
But look through that
And you will see
That I'll do better
I know, baby
I can do better
If you leave me tonight
I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me
I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone
Will sink 'til it dies
If you leave me tonight
Sometimes I stare at you
While you are sleeping
I listen to your breathing
Amazed how I somehow
Managed to
Sweep you off of your feet, girl
Your perfect little feet, girl
I took for granted
What you do
But I can do better
I know, baby
I can do better
If you leave me tonight
I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me
I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone
Will sink 'til it dies
If you leave me tonight
Don't you know
My heart is pumping hope
It's putting out the fight
I got this feeling
That evertything's alright
Don't you see
I'm not the only one for you
But you're the only one for me
If you leave me tonight
I'll wake up alone
If you leave me tonight
I'll wake up alone
Don't tell me
I will make it on my own
Don't leave me tonight
This heart of stone
Will sink 'til it dies
If you leave me tonight
Don't leave me tonight
Dont leave me. . .
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Get well soon
13th July 2009 - Monday
Heard Nobita got into accident with duno how many stitches~ He said he's ok and at home slacking~ Wahahaha no more late night outs and late night yam chas =P
Get well soon dude!
On a work progress, I duno weather i'm doin ok or not... Bit worry now T_T~ Urgh I cant wait for end of Aug~ Then i can finally relax bit~
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Graduation Night
11th July 2009 - Saturday
I'm Officially and FINALLY graduated from The One Academy! Wooo hooo!
The happy part is, yea, i graduated after so many torture months with assignments and classmates~ The sad part is, i'm all alone going thru all these~ Yes i have some friends here but those are the hi-bye friends~
I didnt even bother to bring my camera cos i know i wont be cam-whoring with anyone~ Surprisingly i met Kian ming, cheant cheat, ZQ and Carmen~ I even chat with 2 of my marker lecturer~ Both of them got the patience to teach me marker even tho my Simplify was bad~
I woke up early (10am) and do my hair~ I walked all the way to SS15 cos i was so pissed at dad for scolding Nobita last nite~ So what if he doesnt wanna drive me there~ I got arms and legs i WALK~ Last night i even told dad "I'll give you the parang next day and chop him to pieces like you want to and dont thank me for ending up in jail~ Ur very welcome btw"~
I totally hate the new hairstyle cos it was totally different from wad i expected and had in mind~ It's so FLUFFY and my hair is so spoilt! It looked like a blardie retarted mane! dammit! This will be the last time i'm having it permed~ Next hairstyle definitely gonna keep it short and jaga my hair~ @#$@#$@#$
Anyways, I just learnt something today~ Have you ever wonder why every graduate robes have hood? If u notice, every graduate robes, there's is hood except the lecturers (maybe some got lar)~ It was said that, during the olden times, scholars have no money to study~ So these hoods are for people to collect money~ People put money into the hood for scholars and they use it for studies and TARDARH! Now we all have hoods~ And lecturers dont have cos eventually the money on the hood are given to them =/
I'll upload the pics as soon as i get it from people's camera~ Talking bout pics, its RM199 for the picture package~ That includes me alone holding the cert, with mom, and group picture~
Mom was even making a fuss bout how expensive the picture was~ Was nagging bout it for 20minutes and one sentence i said can keep her shut : No need you pay ok? i pay for it~ End of discussion~ ANd true enugh, she kept quiet~ =_=lll As if my pay is not low enough and she expects me to pay for every single thing~ So easy for her to say "pay lar... RMxx only mah" Yalla, when i asked her to pay she nags 1 whole day~
It was a dissapointing moment for me~ Everyone was here with parents and siblings, granma and granpas~ I was here... With only mom~ Where's dad? He's dead in my heart~ Haha, i think he doesnt even know i graduated~
He wasnt here for my birthdays, so does it matter even if he skipped my graduation? Guess not~ Does it even matter if he's gonna skip my wedding in future? I wont even ask him to come~ Why bother?
Everyone was looking at me and mom with the "Aww.. She's only got mom... Her dad is dead"~ Yup he is =)
When it was my turn to take scroll, mom wasnt even at table~ Which when i asked she said she went toilet~ SHould've skipped this dam graduation~ It was a total disaster and i totally screwed up my college life and now my graduation night is screwed up too... Wad a life... ~_~
Transformer 2
10th July 2009 - Friday
To those that havent watch Transformer 2~ Please do! It's AMAZING! I thought it's gonna be all action but the thing that kept me watching was the transformation~ I was already "Whoa, Wow, Waaah, WOOOOO" at the beginning of the scene~ Seriously cool!
What i dont get it was, HOW CAN K SLEEP IN THE SHOW WHEN ITS SO DAM COOL?!? Basically, it's just me and Nobita watching the show and K go cinema to sleep ~_~ Oh he did woke up to see Megan Fox running in slow motion with the boobs bouncing~ Pervert!
I went to watch with a friend and colleague~ Seriously cold inside and i didnt bring my jacket T_T~
Show ended at 3am++ and mom was mad for going home so late~ But that show is worth the 2nd time watching~ Thumbs up =)
Thnx to Nobita for a great show!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Summit Tomyam
9th July 2009 - Thursday
Today after work K, V and me SUPPOSINGLY planned to go USJ to eat the Prawn mee but N didnt pick up the phone so i assume he didnt open his shop~ So plan changed to Summit tom yam~ Why is it supposingly in the sentence? Cos V got emergency and left me n K to go "berdating" LOL~
Both of us ate like 2 hungry souls~ He had 1 normal size bowl of tomyam AND a bowl of soup + rice, whereas i had 2 big bowls of tomyam~ yum yum~ I just looooooooooooooove it~ I was playing with my 9 zai (Little 9) and K was teasing me sohai play with toys~ WHAT?!? Old liao canot play with toys meh? Says who? True i dont teddy bears but if its given by someone special / characters i like then i'm ok XD~ Oh and also really nice hugable teddy bears with really nice-to-touch furs and soft and nice to huggggg~ Like my loyal Lessie~ Been with me since i was 5 or 6~ Muacksss Lessie~
Anyways sorry for the long lost post cos i've been so bz these few days >_< Cant even blog in office anymore T_T Scare bos come and "Jackie wad are u doin?" LOL!
Gotta kiss u all nitey nites and hit the bed now! I'm sooooo tired and i think tonight i can sleep in peace... or at least i hope...
Chill out and yam cha
8th July 2009 - Wednesday
I'm suppose to go out for movies (Transformer2) with Nobita and K, but end up go eat dinner and go back~ Well we didnt exactly go back after dinner~ Nobita and me decided to go and look for our friend, have a drink, chill out and end up our friend chat with us for a few minutes and left me and Nobita there~
Three of us went to a place near K's place to have our dinner~ Got bak kut teh and mamak that sells goooooooooood (according to K) nasi lemak~ So both of them ate bak kut teh while i had nasi lemak~ It was so-so lor~ Nothing special (to found out that it WAS special indeed~ Next day i boomed the toilet a few times =x)~
It's been a really really bz day today~ Deadline to catch today~ Client wants the design by today but had to give him tomoro morning~ I was stressing myself for ideas but for some reason my brain decided to dig a hole and went down to hell~ So Nobita asked weather wanna go chill out awhile so ok lor~
I didnt have much drink today~ I think maybe cos i'm tired, I had 1 and a half mug of beer and i'm feeling bit strange~ Maybe that's wad people call high? I felt bit dizzy yet I am still aware of my surroundings~ One thing for sure, I know i'm talking craps ~_~ to Nobita... Thnx Nobita for listening to my craps...
We had couple of laughs and silly jokes (dam him for laughin at my stupid Undang test ~_~)~ I noticed one thing~ The beer doesnt taste as bitter as i first tasted the very first time~ And each time i go drinking, the taste of the beer is different~ Hmmm... I still dont understand the "fresh beer" and "mixed beer" lolx ~_~
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Gained weight
30th June 2009 - Tuesday
I gained 3 kg ever since i started work~ It's a good thing and a bad thing~
Good : I need all the fats that i can get~ I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay under-weight~
Bad : Need to control the food that goes into my mouth~ 3kgs in 3 months... Is ALOT~
Never mind... Eat while i still can!!! RAWR! (Eat more, and i'd look good~ SHOPPING TIME hehe =P)